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Teaching Size can be Tricky!

When choosing materials to use when teaching sizes, we need to think about some important things. First,when we first are introducing the...


Matching is a great activity for young learners on the autism spectrum. A child does not need to be able to discriminate any words to be...

We love Velcro! Matching Fun

I just love making things with Velcro for independent activities! Many children love pulling off pictures and hearing that sound- you...

Is this a thing?

This is an example of a visual cue (unlike a prompt, it is not faded or eliminated). I did not attend to this one though- didn't know L/R...

100+ Ways to Say Good Job!

We always want our children and learners to hear that they are doing a "good job" but in a variety of ways! I created this free...

Sometimes it's the Little Things

Being the supervisor of an ABA program is a huge responsibility. We have to make sure that our clients with autism are being served to...

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